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The Handbook of Loan Syndications and Trading, Second Edition.

The Handbook of Loan Syndications and Trading, Second Edition

ISBN: 9781264258529 | 976 pages | 25 Mb
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  • The Handbook of Loan Syndications and Trading, Second Edition
  • Page: 976
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9781264258529
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
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Capitalize on the booming $1.2 trillion leveraged loan market―a fully updated edition of the LSTA’s authoritative guide The global financial crisis triggered a series of major changes to the lending landscape, and this heavily updated edition of the go-to guide to the loan syndication market delivers the information and insight you need to succeed. In addition to brand-new chapters on direct lending, the growth of the middle market, sustainability finance, Fintech, and Blockchain, The Handbook of Loan Syndications and Trading, Second Edition delivers fully updated content on critical topics, including: Today’s loan market—how the players have changed and the impacts of other markets Additional loan structures and credit agreement technology in use today The rise of secondary trading as a result of the global financial crisis How the dramatic increase of price volatility affects the market The role of ratings in today’s market Changes to the art of distressed trading The new post-Dodd Frank regulatory landscape The evolving landscape of the loan markets in Asia and Europe The Handbook of Loan Syndications and Trading, Second Edition delivers everything you need to know about the booming U.S. corporate loan market. It provides expert analysis and insights on virtually every key aspect of this financial market, while bringing you completely up to date on the many changes in your profession over the past decade.

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